The role of working memory in the process of transformation time perception in school-age children

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of University of Tabriz

2 Master of Science in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology, University of Gillan

3 Associate Professor of University of Gillan


Various studies have shown that many factors influence the length of time perception. This study was aimed to study the changing in perceived time at 7 to 12 year-old children, and to determine the role of working memory on time perception. One hundred-twenty elementary students were selected from Rasht schools (first to sixth grade) through multilevel clustering sampling method. For data collectionpurpose, two tests of CANTAB (SWM) and time reproduction task were used. Data were analyzed by using ofdescriptive statistics, MANOVA and MANCOVA. Findings of the present study indicate that in both single and dual task reproduced time was significantly different in grade groups.In the other words, time perception improved with increasing age. Working memory indices including Strategies and Total errors were enteredas covariant variables in a MANCOVA. Nosignificant difference was found between long-time task and grade groups. This result indicates that working memory affects time perception in dual task with increasing age.


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