The Psychometric Properties of the Academic Well-Being Questionnaire

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Measurement and Assessment, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Measurement and Assessment, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


 Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the academic well-being questionnaire among Iranian students.
Methods: The research method was a survey. The sample consisted of 200 girls and boys from the first and second high school of Seydun district from the district of Baghmalek in Khuzestan state, who were selected by random cluster sampling. The validity of the questionnaire and subscales was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, combined validity coefficient (or p-Delvin-Goldstein), and confirmatory factor analysis. Item reliability was measured by estimating reliability coefficients.
Results: The results showed that the 6-factor model and 4-factor models had better fit than the one-factor, but the factor loads and the squared correlation for items of the school burnout in the 6-factor model are slightly larger than the factor loads and squared correlation for model M2.
Conclusion: The findings showed that the academic well-being questionnaire, in accordance with the definition of Tuominen-Soini et al (2012), includes four dimensions of school value, school burnout, schoolwork engagement, and satisfaction with educational choices among Iranian students.


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