The Impact of Academic Self-Concept on Academic Enthusiasm with Mediator Role of Sports Participation Motivation Among Student

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.

2 Department of Sports Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



Objective he purpose of this study is to investigation the impact of academic self-concept on academic enthusiasm with mediator role of sports Participation Motivation among student. 
Methods Study is applied and the research method was descriptive correlational (SEM). Statistical population of this study comprised all secondary school students in Ardebil, From among this population, by Using Morgan table and Multi-stage cluster method, 380 students were selected. For data collection academic self-concept questionnaire, sports Participation Motivation questionnaire and academic enthusiasm questionnaire was used. SPSS 22 software was utilized in order to analyze the collected data (Pearson coefficient, and Structural Equation Method). 
Results The results showed the direct impact of academic self concept on academic enthusiasm and sports Participation Motivation with (β=0/54) and (β= 0/48), and direct impact of sports Participation Motivation on academic enthusiasm with (β=0/45) was significant. The mediating role of sports Participation Motivation in the relationship self concept between and academic enthusiasm (β=0/24) was also significant. 
Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that academic self concept and sports Participation Motivation may be taken into account as one of the important factors on enthusiasm.


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