Effectiveness of Motivational Interview and Emotion Regulation Training on Reduction of Bulling traditional and cyber and Academic Burnout User Virtual Social Networking

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Ardabil branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.

2 Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Mohagheg Ardabili

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University,

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, ,Ardabil Branch , Islamic Azad University,



     The purpose of this study was determination the effectiveness of courses methods motivational interview and emotion regulation training on reduction of the bullying traditional and cyber and academic burnout user virtual social networking with considering of role countervailing of gender. This research is a probationary from kind multi collective pretest and posttest. The statistical population of the study was selected from all male and female students of secondary second user virtual social networking of Tehran city‌ in the (2016-2017) per‌ annum academic. 90 user students virtual social networking who was selected with means an accidental polymorphous of cluster sampling and at experimental and control groups into accidental. Geared of collect the data from the questionnaires of communication with virtual social networks of Alinaghi & Ataei‌, the bullying in school‌ (BS) of  Patchin & Hinduja and academic burnout the Bersou used. For data analysis the method of Multivariable analysis of covariance and oneway analysis of variance used.‌ The results showed that motivational interview and emotional regulation training compared with the control group had an effect on bullying general and cyber and academic burnout (exhaustion, cynicism and inefficiency), but did not affect traditional bullying and emotional exhaustion (p< 0.05). In addition, the role of gender as a countervailing variable was confirmed only in relation to the effectiveness of emotional regulation training in reducing the variables of bullying (general), cyber bullying and academic cynicism. Those findings show that motivational interview and emotion regulation training have been effective in improving the level of awareness of teenagersUser, especially girls, about the disadvantages of bullying behaviors and academic burnout, and has been effective in motivating behavior change, as well as in identifying, controlling and managing problematic excitements.


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