An examination of the effectiveness of a program based on combining questioning the author and triarchic reading comprehension approaches in improving the students’ reading comprehension

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of educationa psychology, Alzahra University

2 Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Alzahra University

3 Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Tehran



This study investigated the effectiveness
of a program developed on the basis of combining
Questioning the Author and Triarchic Reading
Comprehension approaches to improve the students’
comprehension of different texts in Persian language
(ancient fiction, modern prose and short story). To
this end, 71 second grade school boys of middleschool
from two classes were randomly chosen and
assigned to experimental and control groups. The
instruments of research were researcher-developed
pre-test and post-test reading comprehensions. The
program was in 8 sessions of (5 sessions whole class
discussions and 3 sessions group discussions) for
experimental of group the result indicated the
effectiveness of the program in improving reading
comprehension of students in experimental group in
the whole test and also in all the subtests. Using the
questions of Questioning the Author and Triarchic
Reading Comprehension approaches, teacher’s
modeling, and peers discussion led to an increase in
the students’ reading comprehension.


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