A study of the impact of rational-emotive-behavioral therapy (Ellis irrational beliefs) as group councelling methods on subscales general health recovery in male high school students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Department of Counseling, Shahid Chamran University

2 M.A. in family counseling of Department of Counseling, Shahid Chamran University



The aim of this research was to investigate
the eٍٍٍٍffectiveness of group counseling emphasizing
the effect of Rational–Emotive –Behavioral Therapy
on sub-scales General Health Questionnaire in third
grade male high school students in Ahvaz city. 200
male students of education 1 and 4 regions were
randomly selected and General Health Questionnaire
(GHQ-28) completed. Then 30 male participants
were selected according to cut-off point in inventory.
Next, the participants were randomly assigned into
experimental and control groups (each group
comprising 15 students). The method of this study
was experimental design using pre-test and post-test
with control group. The participants in the
experimental group received 8 sessions of Rational–
Emotive–Behavioral Therapy, and no control group.
Data analysis was done through the analysis of
covariance. The findings by pre-test controlling
showed that group counseling training significantly
increase general health components among
experimental group. As a result, group counseling
emphasizing Rational–Emotive –Behavioral Therapy
is an effective method in reducing and improcing
high school students psychological sysmptoms.


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