Construction and measurement of the psychometric properties of academic self- regulation questionnaire

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of psychology, Payam Noor University

2 Factualy member of industry engineer, Payam Noor University



In this study we examined the construct and measure ment of the
psychometric properties and confirmatory factor structure of academic selfregulation
questionnaire. Participants were 160 high school students (80
male and 80 female) third grade who were selected by stratified random the
sampling. Data were collected from six subscales of academic selfregulation
questionnaire that were made by researchers. The results showed
that academic self- regulation questionnaire was composed of six subscales,
and mentioned questionnaire has validity, reliability and a good fitness.
Confirmatory factor structure also indicated that the six-factor model has a
more elegance and it can be used for education of all degrees of academic


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