A study of family processes as predictors of behavior problems among second grade high school students in Yasuoj

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Shahid Chamran of Ahvaz

2 M.A. of Psychology, University of Shahid Chamran of Ahvaz



the family processes (including family
cohesion, family communication, family coping
strategies and family problem skills as predictors of
behavior problems among second grade high school
students in Yasuoj. The sample included 590 second
grade from high school students who were selected
by cluster random sampling from among 38 male
and female high schools. The students completed
Achenbach Youth Self-Report Scale(YSR). The
students whose scores of YSR were upper than one
standard deviation above the mean were classifiedas
behavior problem group and students whose scores
of YSR was lower than one standard deviation from
mean was classifiedas without behavior problem
group. Therefore the students of the two groups
completed Self-report Family Processes Scale (SFP
scale). The results of discriminant showed that linear
composition of family processes can predict the
behavior problems among second grade high school
students in Yasuoj.


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