Investigation Into the Role of Paternal Involvement on Academic Buoyancy of High School Students By Mediators of Satisfaction and Academic Engagement

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Consulting, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord, Iran.



Objective The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between paternal involvement and academic buoyancy of high school students by mediators of satisfaction and academic engagement. Therefore, among high school students in Shahr-e-Kord 330 students (100 boys and 130 girls) were randomly selected.
Methods Then, they were reviewed by parental involvement, academic buoyancy, satisfaction and academic engagement questionnaires. path analysis was used to examine the relationship between variables. In this model, the parental involvement was assumed as a exogenous variable, satisfaction and academic engagement were as mediator variables and academic buoyancy as a clear intrinsic variable. In other words, the parental involvement would increase academic buoyancy through two variables of satisfaction and academic engagement. The reported index value (1.49) for the Chi-square indicated good status of the model. The TLI index and the CFI index also suggested that the model was acceptable and even excellent. The second root mean squares’ values (RMSEA) was 0.03, which indicated that the model confirmed and fitted to the data.
Results In sum, the results suggested that parental involvement affected academic buoyancy through satisfaction and academic engagement mediators.
Conclusion Therefore, parent’s participation and involvement with students to complete the academic tasks can increase their eagerness and satisfaction in learning, and help them to overcome educational obstacles and challenges and they have more buoyancy.


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