About Journal

This journal is "scientific-research". It will be collaboratively published by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Gilan University, Imam Khomeini International University, Tarbiat Modares University, Tabriz University, and Shiraz University with Mohaghegh Ardabili University under the license number of 271006/3 issued on 1390/12/24 by the scientific investigation commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology journals.



Quarterly Journal of School Psychology Statute

Chapter One: Aims and Objectives

Article1: In order to promote psychologists’ knowledge, especially graduates of psychology, and to encourage researchers to do studies in the field of school psychology which is considered as a new subfield of psychology, Quarterly Journal School Psychology (henceforth referred to as the “Quarterly”) will be published by Mohaghegh Ardabili University (henceforth referred to as the “University”) with a license issued by the journals commission of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

Article 2: The University is the concessionaire of the Quarterly, which will be published in collaboration with six othe universities (henceforth referred to as the “Universities”). In this regard, the Universities signed a protocol with the association on ten Articles on 2011/06/22 to collaborate in publishing the Quarterly; the cooperation duration being four years.

Article 3: Managing editor of the Quarterly is proposed by the Research Vice-Chancellor of the University and its editor-in-chief and editorial board members is proposed by the association and approved by the Research Council of the University.

Article 4: The number of editorial broad members of the Quarterly is 13, among whom, four people are from Mohaghegh Ardabili University, one from Tabriz University, one from Tehran Payamnoor University, one from Tarbiat Modarres University, one from Gilan University, one from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, one from Azad Eslami University of Sari, one from Ferdowsi Mashhad, one from Islamic Azad University in Sari, one from Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin, one from Shiraz University, and one from Ardabil Medical Sciences University. The change or increase of this number would depend on the opinion of the Universities, approval of University Research Council, and cognizance of the journals commission.

Article 5: Having at least the degree of associate professorship and a Ph.D. degree in psychology are of obligatory qualifications for attending editorial broad the Quarterly.

Article 6: The University, before changing the editor-in-chief or each member of the editorial broad, is required to achieve the University Research Council approval and journals commission agreement about the person or people.

Article 7: The editor-in-chief must present at least 10 academic and scholarly papers 5 out of which should have an impact factor at the ISC indexing level in the subject area of the journal.

Article 8: In addition to managing editor, editor-in-chief, editorial broad members, Persian and English editors, and journal administrator are required in the scientific and administrative teams.

Chapter Two: Tasks and Activities

Article 9: The Quarterly will be published by the University's research vice-chancellor’s expense.

Article 10: The Quarterly publishes 4 issues per year.

Article 11: Each issue of the Quarterly should include at least 7 papers and the minimum number of pages should not be less than 60 pages.

Article 12: The share of the papers belonging to the editorial broad members, managing editor and editor-in-chief in the Quarterly will be 30% in each issue (2 papers out of 7 papers).

Article 13: At least 50% of the papers of each issue of the Quarterly are accepted from authors with no academic affiliation.

Article 14: The logo of the Universities should be printed on the cover of the Quarterly.

Article 15: The Quarterly is required to prepare a website after obtaining the license from the journals commission of the Ministry.


Chapter Three: The Quarterly Format Criteria

Article 16: The Quarterly must possess an annual index and an official ISSN.

Article 17: The Quarterly would obtain editor license from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance after obtaining the license from the journals commission of the Ministry.

Article 18: Submission and acceptance date of the new papers will be inserted in the Quarterly, and it would not take more than six months.

Article 19: The Quarterly will only publish scientific papers and will avoid the publication of translated papers.

Article 20: The Quarterly will be published in Persian and its abstract will also be published in English.

Article 21: After publishing two issues, the Quarterly must be indexed at SID and ISC databases.

Article 22: The Quarterly will be published in Vizierial format and in one column.

Article 23: Each Persian and English abstract is presented in one column distinctly on the first page.

Article 24: The authors will use the APA format in their papers.

Chapter Four: Quarterly Review Process

Article 25: After receiving the paper from the author(s), the receipt announcement will be send to the author(s) electronically at most in 3 days by the office of the Quarterly.

Article 26: Having been received, the papers will go under preliminary review by the editor-in-chief of the journal.

Article 27: In the next step, all reviewed papers will be discussed at the meeting of the Quarterly editorial board in order to make decisions on their selection.

Article 28: After discussing the articles in the editorial board meeting, if the papers are not compatible with the purpose of the Quarterly, the editorial board’s opinion will be sent to the author of the paper electronically in written form within seven days.

Article 29: Obtaining a commitment from the authors based on the non-publication of the paper and their submission to other journals during the review process (up to a maximum of 30 days) is required for papers prior to submission for scientific review.

Article 30: If the paper is compatible with the purpose of the journal, it will be sent to 3 reviewers without author's name and signature along with the review form.

Article 31: The Quarterly’s reviewers are required to submit their comments to the journal’s office within 15 days.

Article 32:  In case of a delay in the review process, the Quarterly interior manager will change the reviewer in coordination with the editor-in-chief, managing editor and other members of the editorial broad, and the paper will be sent to another reviewer.

Article 33: If two reviewers agree that the paper is unpublishable, it is not published. If one reviewer declares that the paper is publishable and the other states that it is publishable with minor or major revisions, it is published provided that the author makes the requested modifications (in 15 days) which are announced by the journal office, and the modifications must be accepted by the journal expert (who is set by the editorial broad).

Chapter 5: The Process of Preparing the Quarterly after the Review

Article 34: After the final approval of the paper by the editor-in-chief, managing editor of the Quarterly should announce to the author the acceptance of the paper for publication in the future issues.

Article 35: The selection of papers for any of the Quarterly’s issues will be done at editorial broad meeting which will be held every fifteen days with half of the members of the editorial board.

Article 36: Literary editing of the papers and English editing of abstracts is required. In the meantime, scientific editing of the papers is also the responsibility of the editor-in-chief.

Article 37: After typing, designing the layout and editing the journal, each author will read his/her final draft and send it to the journal's office after approval.

Article 38: All members of the editorial board will go through the final review of the Quarterly prepared for publishing before being sent to the printing office.

Article 39: The Quarterly is published at most in a circulation less than 1000 copies.

Article 40: The Quarterly office is required to send 3 copies of the journal to the author(s) of the paper and a copy to the scientific reviewers and editorial broad members of the Quarterly after publishing.

Article 41: The Quarterly office address is Ardabil, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, post Box 179, the office of Quarterly Journal of School Psychology (Phone number: 04531505653).

Article 42: This statute contains 5 Chapters and 42 articles and was approved at the meeting of the Research Council of the University on 2011/06/27.