The role of psychological empowerment and organizational commitment in teachers’ job burnout

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D of Psychology, University of Isfahan

2 M. A. of Psychology



This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of
psychological empowerment and organizational commitment in teachers’ job
burnout. From teachers in Shahreza schools as the statistical population, 110
teachers were selected using multistage random sampling method. Data was
collected through making use of Psychological Empowerment Scale,
Organization Commitment Questionnaire, and Burnout Inventory (with
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment
dimensions). The results of Pearson’s correlation coefficient showed that
psychological empowerment has significant negative relationship with
emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and significant positive
relationship with personal accomplishment. In addition, organizational
commitment has significant negative relations with emotional exhaustion and
depersonalization. In addition, hierarchical regression analysis showed that
psychological empowerment has predicted emotional exhaustion and personal
accomplishment, and organizational commitment has predicted emotional


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