The degree of correspondence between teachers' verbal and non-verbal communication during teaching and its association with students' academic achievement

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil



This research was carried out to study the
degree of correspondence between teachers' nonverbal
and verbal communication during teaching
and its relationship with students' academic
achievement in primary schools. A sample of 400
teachers was selected from among 1600 primary
school teachers Ardabil through a random multistage
cluster sampling procedure. The students of these
teachers, 10831 in number constituted the later
sample. Data were gathered using official
documents, Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories
System (FIACS), and French and Galloway's table of
non-verbal and verbal communication through
classroom observation. Observers sat at the back of
the classroom in a position which allowed them to
hear and see all participants (teacher and pupils).
Inter-observer agreement was computed based on
Scott's formula. The least of Scott's coefficient
obtained from pairs of observers equal to 0.84
showed that observations had adequate reliability. A
survey research method was utilized. All data
obtained were analyzed using simultaneous
regression analysis. Findings revealed that teachers'
nonverbal and verbal communication during teaching
were appropriate and encouraging for the students.
The degree of correspondence between components
of nonverbal and verbal communication emerged as
significant predictors of academic achievement.


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