The efficacy of mindfulness based stress reduction on mindfulness and assertiveness of students with test anxiety

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Postgraduate Student in General Psychology at University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 postgraduate student in General Psychology at University of Mohaghegh Ardabili



The aim of the present research was
to examine the efficacy of mindfulness based
stress reduction on the mindfulness and
assertiveness of students with test anxiety. The
sample consisted of 45 subjects with test
anxiety randomly selected from third grade
guidance school girls and boys of Nowshahr
city. The subjects were assigned randomly to
experimental and control groups. The
experimental group received training in
minfulness based stress reduction. The
instruments employed in this research were test
anxiety inventory, mindfulness inventory and
assertiveness scale. Multivariate analysis of
variance showed significant differences
between the group receiving training in
mindfulness and the control group on the
variables of mindfulness, assertiveness and test
anxiety. Mindfulness based stress reduction
affected the mindfulness, assertiveness and test
anxiety of the students.


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