Correlatives of individual identity in high school female students in Ardabil city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor of Psychology University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 Ph.D student, Educational Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

3 M.A. of Psychology, Tabriz University



The aim of this study was to study
individual identity in high school girl students of
Ardabil city in which the self esteem¸ religious
orientation¸ mental health¸ and the influences of
peers and parents on students were studied as
correlatives of identity. In accordance with the nature
of the topic, the current study was descriptivecorrelation
in method. The sample involved 357
female high school students who were selected by
cluster sampling. All the data were gathered from
adolescence female students¸ using Adams's identity
questionnaire¸ religious orientation of Alport, selfesteem
of Rosenberg¸ mental health of Goldberg and
the researcher made questionnaire. In order to
analyze the data¸ the multiple regression analysis¸
and one way ANOVA was used .The results showed
that the various levels of identity can be predicted
fairly from religious orientation, self-esteem, mental
health, relationship with peers, and parental
influence. The obtained results have been discussed
in theoretical and empirical framework.


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