On the relationship between religious attitude and happiness and self-efficacy of high school students

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D of Educational Psychology, The Directorate of Education of Astara city


The aim of this correlational study was to investigate the relationship between religious attitude and happiness and self-efficacy of the second grade high school students.The population included all the second grade high school students of Astara City who were studying during the 1394-1395 academic year. 208 students were randomly selected as the sample. For the instrumentation, the Religious Scale by KhodayanFard etal., Oxford Happiness Index(OHI), and Najjarian and Davoodis Questionnaire of mental health were used. To analyze the data, for the descriptive statistics mean and standard deviation were used and in the inferential statistics part one-factor variance analysis was employed.For the religious attitude on happiness and self-efficacy of high school students, Mann-Whitney was employed to compare the ranks on the basis of variables. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between religious attitude and happiness and self-efficacy.The correlation coefficient was (p<0.027) and (p<0.0064), respectively.By comparing the mean of ranks and the amount of Mann-Whitney among the second grade high school students, it was determined that regarding religious attitude there was a significant difference between the second grade high school of male and female students (p<0.006), but there was not any significant difference between the variables of happiness and self-efficacy.


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