The effectiveness of empathy training program on improving relations between their personal and emotional adjustment of students with symptoms of ADHD

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. A. of Clinical psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 M. A. Student of psychology, Alzahra University

3 Ardabil University of Medical Sciences



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group
education on improving relations between empathy and personal emotional
self-regulation of students with symptoms of ADHD. In this way the pretest,
post-test control group experimental design was. The population of
students in first, second and third Norabad city schools (Delfan) in the
school year 91-90. The subjects were 40 male students with ADHD. After
that the students identify for data collection and interview selected, and
randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Structured Clinical
Interview, Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnostic scale
short, emotional self-regulation and interpersonal relations scale was used.
The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed the
group education on improving relations between empathy and personal
emotional self-regulation of students with symptoms of ADHD (P<0.001).
The findings show empathy skills training in schools, especially teens,
providing the ability to understand others. To reduce impulsive behavior and
improved personal relationships among students with symptoms of attention
deficit/ hyperactivity leads.


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