The Effect of Wii Fit exercises on psycho-motor skills of male students with movement disorders: Emphasis on new exercises

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Motor Behavior, Departmentof Physical Education andSport Sciences, University of MohagheghArdabili.



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Wii Fit exercises on fundamental movement skills (manipulation and locomotorskills) of male students with movement disorders. The population of this study was all students aged 7 to 10 years with movement disorders in Tehran city in the academic year 2017-2018. Convenience sampling was used to select the sample. Finally, 20 subjects were selected according to the research objectives. The participants were matched based on movement skills of the pretest and were divided into two groups. TGMD-2 test checklist was used to assess the children's motor skills. The experimental group exercised Wii Fit movements 2 days per week for 8 weeks in 55-minute sessions. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for normality of the data and the covariance analysis was used to compare the groups. The results of covariance analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the mean score of the fundamental motor skills of the participants in terms of group membership (P <0.01). Therefore, by providing related interventions, the motor skills of children with movement disorders can be developed.


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