The efficacy of emotion-regulation skills training on the anxiety components among female school students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA. in Psychology, University of Tehran Payame Noor

2 Associate Professor, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

3 Associate Professor, University of Tehran Payame Noor

4 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran Payame Noor



This research was aimed to investigate the efficacy of emotion-regulation
skills training on the anxiety components among anxious female school
students in Ardabil city. For this purpose, 50 anxious female subjects were
selected and assigned randomly to two groups (experimental and control).
All subjects filled out whole items of Beck Anxiety Inventory prior to and
after the intervention. Gratz and Gunderson emotion regulation training
method was taught to anxious students in 13 sessions and the data were
analysed with MANOVA method. The results revealed that training of
emotion regulation is effective in decreasing anxiety components. The
results revealed that the training of emotion regulation skills decrease
anxiety by reforming people's unreasonable beliefs and illogical behaviours
about their emotions.


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