Modeling the relationship between Achievement Goals and Academic Procrastination with Math Performance among first Grade female High School Students in Yazd

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Educational Psychology, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Yazd University



The purpose of this study is to model the relationship between achievement goals and academic procrastination with math performance among first grade female junior high school students residing in Yazd. 300 students were selected as the sample by cluster sampling method. For data collection, the Achievement Goal Questionnaire and Academic Procrastination Questionnaire and student’s marks at end of the second semester, as a general test held in all cities of Iran, were used. The evaluated model had good fitness indicators. The results of structural equation modeling showed that mastery orientation goal had a significant negative impact on academic procrastination (B=-0.40) but had no significant impact on math performance. Mastery avoidance goal had significant positive impact on academic procrastination (B= 0.34) and had significant negative impact on math performance (B= -0.14). Performance orientation goal had a significant negative impact on academic procrastination (B=-0.18) and had significant positive impact on math performance (B= 0.22). Performance avoidance goal had no significant effect on academic procrastination and math performance.According to the results, by changing the orientation of the target, it is possible to reduce or correct procrastination and improve math performance.


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