The relationship between basic beliefs and perception of parental relationships and students subjective well-being

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Elaheh hejazi, associate professor in Tehran University

2 Assistant professor, Tehran University

3 Ph.D. Candidate of Educational Psychology in Tehran University



The current research is aimed to investigate the relationship between
basic beliefs and perception of parental relationships and subjective wellbeing.
To do so, 655 high school students in Tehran (283 boys and 372
girls), were selected through cluster sampling. They were asked to complete
the Basic Beliefs Inventory (BBI), the Perception of Parents Scale (POPS),
the Satisfaction with Life scale, and the Positive and Negative Affection
Scales inventories. Results obtained from correlation and regression
analyses showed that meaningful world belief, favorable self belief, parents’
warmth perception, and perception of parents’ self-autonomy support are
positively and significantly related to subjective well-being. Meaningful
world belief along with perception of parents’ warmth, favorable self belief,
and parents’ self-autonomy support detemine 51% of changes in subjective
well-being. Based on the results of the current study, it is concluded that
attempts to construct positive beliefs and optimizing parental relationships
have important contributions to students’ subjective well-being.


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